3 Fun Tricks To Spark Your Creativity

Justin Nolan
3 min readApr 11, 2024


I know you want to increase confidence in your creativity.

Artist, business leader, teacher, stay at home parent. Whatever.
We’ll always say yes to more creativity.

But a lot of times we feel stuck.

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck?

There are a bunch of things you could do to light your creative fire.
I’ll share a few today.

But, remember, these are simply exercises.
And much like exercises in the gym, they can help us maintain a healthy body and mind.
(If we do them consistently)

They’re simple, tiny invitations to venture beyond the familiar. And, even though they’re small exercises they can a

MASSIVE impact.

Because your ideas and projects have the power to change your life, maybe even change the world.

If you can unleash them…

How To Spark Your Creativity

I’ll share a few activities that are guaranteed to spark your creativity. They work because they force you to step into the unknown.

And it’s in new experiences that our creativity pours out of us.

Please remember, it’s not about the details of the exercises, and it’s not about the outcome. It’s about the process of freeing yourself from creative blocks using just the right amount of constraints vs freedom.

I could have shared (maybe I will in the future a post called “99 Ways To Unleash Your Creativity” because there are so many fun things to try.

In fact, I own a set of 75 cards that Design Firm IDEO, published

with prompts just like this.

Point is, getting more creative is an infinite game.

So for now let’s just start with 3 Fun Tricks To Unleash Your Creative Genius.

  1. Non-dominant Drawing
    Some people try this by brushing their teeth with the opposite hand. It feels so strange. When it comes to creativity, we’ll take it a step further and use drawing.

    Imagine drawing a flower with your non-dominant hand. Sounds a bit awkward, right? For sure, but here’s the twist that actually makes it fun.

    In those abstract lines and shapes, you’ll find the inspiration for your own design ideas. Imperfections, lack of control and spontaneity will unleash creativity.

    Action Step: Give yourself minimum 5–10 minutes to draw something with your non-dominant hand.
  2. Letter To Your Future Self
    I LOVE this one. Having recently found a letter that I wrote to myself 20 years ago, this really does work! It’s an incredible form of manifestation.
    ​Imagine receiving a letter in the future, penned by you. It detailed the vision you had, how you overcame obstacles and the project you built.

    Doing this will force you to reflect, visualize and create an intuitive map for success.

    Action Step: Take at least 15 minutes, but no longer than an hour to write the letter to your future you. What happened? What was the goal? How did it go? What reminders would you share?​​
  3. Continuous Doodling
    With a pen and paper, embark on a doodling journey without lifting your pen.

    Encourage a flow of ideas that defy conventional thinking by forcing yourself to stay on the page. Who knows what this will help you come up with!?

    Action Step: Dedicate 5–10 minutes to doodle in continuous, connected lines.



Justin Nolan

In recovery from grief & panic-attacks. Helping you heal loss too. Life Design, Learning & Creator Skills. JOIN US: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main